Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's all maya..

Illusion is the first pleasure -Voltaire

It is said that illusion is neither true nor false. Illusion is falser than the truth but truer than false. It is no further away from ignorance than it is from knowledge. It is like an illegitimate child of an honorable man. Nobody can deny the truth of its being and they would much would rather condemn it to be false and question it rather than accept it .

The brain is in its most unadulterated forms when we are born , as we grow up our brain is trained and certain sights and sounds become so common, a habit of sorts that brain decides to take it for granted .Depth perception is something that we get trained in our infancy. It is the ability to perceive 3D surroundings. Our brain is so convinced that it gets tricked into thinking a 2D image is a 3D one. There are several artists clever enough to take advantage of it .(We all have seen loads of footpath paintings of 3D portraits.)This was an example of just one of sensory organ tricks employed by our brain. We are caught in this world with a combination of sensory organs that distorts reality most often than not but we have no qualms in proclaiming our superiority.

Most of the path breaking theories and inventions were by people who were not bound by these perceptions in the normal sense. Most of them had a medical condition that did not let them be bound by these chains. They changed the world and they are really great because they achieved it both because of this ability and also in spite of it. It is one thing to be able to perceive and understand universe in a different way. It is courageous and also rare to be able to change the perception of others and to some extent get them out their illusion to help them see it too.

The tricks played by our own organs on self are so many that to find the truth one should actually be able to lose and not trust any of the organs, which just sounds outrageous .The last sentence is so bizarre and to extent inhuman .How does one not trust one’s own organs? How does one challenge and try to change the preconceived notions? The real question is it really worth it all?

The quote really triggered some illusions in the writer about some insight into this world of illusion which has disappeared by this paragraph, all the writer is left with is some new illusions in its place more daunting than the previous ones .So writer has decided to leave the readers with this quote from a movie ,a master piece-

Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of
course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it
out. You want to be fooled.

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