Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Choice

On a dark road, an adventurer walks, his path lit by a brilliant light.
By this golden shine does this explorer find treasures on a moonless night.
The path is clear, the lamp is bright, but a question comes in sight,
Who would you rather be, who would you rather be,
the walker, or the light?

A cloak of flowers in a nurturing field a pleasant sight does yield.
By the care of the earth do these buds grow, their beauty, by earth, revealed.
Now between nourishing earth and splendid bloom,
Consider, given a choice - Who would you rather be, who would you rather be,
The flower or the field?

And in an unknown place everyday, a person lends a hand
to another and offers them a step to higher stands.
The seated may so stand, the walking may so soar,
with a steady hold on a steady arm, to help open the doors.
From all of this a choice springs, the question is around the bend,
Who would you rather be, who would you rather be,
the holder or the held?

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